"If Jerich receives a light sentence such as house arrest in his gated community or community service, justice will not have been served for the LGBTQ community," said Hoch. "A light sentence could encourage other anti-LGBTQ hatemongers to come to Palm Beach County and vandalize our LGBTQ public art, knowing they might not face felony convictions or jail time. Is that the message the people of Florida want to send?"
"First and foremost, Jerich must be required to immediately pay the City of Delray Beach the full cost to repair the damage done to the Pride Intersection -- approximately $12,000," said Hoch. "Allowing Jerich to make restitution in monthly payments would impose an unfair burden on the taxpayers."
"Jerich should also be ordered to stay away from the Delray Beach LGBTQ Pride Intersection for the rest of his life," Hoch added.
"When Jerich's committed his crime against the LGBTQ community and the City of Delray Beach, he committed a felony," said Hoch. "As such, Jerich should become a convicted felon, losing his rights to vote and legally own a gun."
"Finally, Jerich should spend some time behind bars," said Hoch. "While the maximum five year sentence would be harsh, a one year sentence would be appropriate."
Since Jerich has no known prior convictions, he could serve his time in The Main Detention Center on Gun Club Road instead of a Florida Corrections Institution,
"The LGBTQ community is very concerned that withholding adjudication on Jerich's felony conviction would send the wrong signal to others of his ilk," said Hoch."Actions should have consequences -- especially actions of hate that cause harm to minority communities.".
"Years from now, Jerich could petition the court to have his rights restored," said Hoch. "But for now, for justice to be done, Alexander Jerich's rights and liberties must be curtailed".
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