PBCHRC scored another set of victories last night in Boynton Beach!
By a margin of 4-1, the City Commission voted to (a) implement the full range of domestic partnership benefits for municipal employees, (b) amend the city's nondiscrimination policies to prohibit discrimination based on "gender identity or expression" and (c) direct the City attorney to draft an LGBT-inclusive Civil Rights Ordinance for consideration later this year. The actions were taken as the result of requests made by PBCHRC in mid-July. Mayor Jerry Taylor cast the "no" votes on all three proposals.
The following candidates endorsed by the PBCHRC Voters Alliance were successful in the August 26 Primary Election.:
- U.S. Congressman (Dist. 20) - Alcee Hastings
- U.S. Congressman (Dist. 21) - Ted Deutch
- Attorney General - George Sheldon
- State Representative (Dist. 81) - Kevin Rader
- Circuit Court Judge (Group 30) - Jaimie Goodman
- County Commissioner (Dist. 6) - Melissa McKinlay
- School Board Member (District) - Karen Brill
- School Board Member (Dist. 6) - Marcia Andrews
- School Board Member (Dist..7) - Debra Robinson
To date, the following endorsements have been made for the November 4 General Election:
- U.S. Congressman (Dist. 18) - Patrick Murphy
- U.S. Congressman (Dist. 20) - Alcee Hastings
- U.S. Congressman (Dist. 21) - Ted Deutch
- U.S. Congresswoman (Dist. 22) - Lois Frankel
- Governor - Charlie Crist
- Attorney General - George Sheldon
- State Representative (Dist. 82) - Mary W. Higgins
- State Representative (Dist. 86) - Mark Pafford
- State Representative (Dist. 88) - Bobby Powell
- School Board (Dist. 4) - Erica Whitfield
- County Commissioner (Dist.4) - CO-ENDORSEMENT -VOTE FOR EITHER CANDIDATE, NOT BOTH - Steven Abrams (Rep) or Andrew "Andy" O'Brien (Dem.)
- County Commissioner (Dist. 6) - Melissa McKinlay
- Port Commissioner (Group 5) - Peyton McArthur
- Soil & Water Conservation District (Group 5) - Karl Dickey
In addition, PBCHRCVA urges our supporters to vote YES on the following ballot initiatives:
- Amendment 2 - Approving Medical Marijuana
- Countywide Question 1 - Children's Services Council Reauthorization
To learn more about the campaigns, please click on the names
Over the past few months, there have been strong pro-marriage equality rulings from a federal judge and several state court judges in Florida. Yet no marriage licenses are being issued. Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Palm Bondi continue to utilize delaying tactics in their attempts to deny us equal marriage rights. These two obstructionists must be retired from public service.
The PBCHRC Voters Alliance strongly urges you to make sure that you get everyone you know who is registered to vote in Florida to participate in the upcoming General Election by voting for Charlie Crist for Governor and George Sheldon for Attorney General.
It is important to keep in mind that until the entire state of Florida recognizes same-sex marriages (or until Congress updates applicable federal laws), married gay and lesbian Florida residents will continue to be denied the Social Security and Veterans Affairs spousal benefits which are currently enjoyed by legally married gay men and lesbians living in states which recognize marriage equality.
Until all federal and state civil rights laws become LGBT-inclusive - and until marriage equality is extended throughout Florida - PBCHRC will remain vigilant in our efforts to end discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
Since 1988, the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council's activists - all volunteers - have been screening candidates for public office, making endorsements, educating public officials and taking action with the sole purpose of changing laws and policies to provide equal treatment and equal benefits for the local LGBT community.
Our work in electing LGBT-supportive public officials has resulted in the enactment of more than 70 local laws and policies which now provide Palm Beach County's LGBT residents and visitors with both equal protection and equal family benefits.
The Council's current projects include persuading:
- The City of Boca Raton to rescind Ordinance No. 5161;
- The County Commission and the School Board of Palm Beach County to enact policies to require city contractors to provide the same family benefits to employees' same-sex spouses and (both same- and opposite-sex) domestic partners as the contractors offer to employees' legally recognized (i.e., opposite-sex) spouses.
- The City of Riviera Beach to amend its nondiscrimination policies and ordinances to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity or expression";
- The Chief Judge of Florida's 15th Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in mandatory diversity training for judges and court personnel;
- All public employers within Palm Beach County to: (a) adopt policies which specifically prohibit discrimination based on "sexual orientation" and "gender identity and expression"; and (b) provide the same employment benefits to families based on domestic partnerships or out-of-state same-sex marriages as are provided to families based on legally recognized marriages.
- All public employers within Palm Beach County offering domestic partners health insurance to provide annual payments to offset (or fully reimburse) the additional federal taxes assessed on the value of those payments.
Finally, PBCHRC welcomes Meredith Ockman to our Board of
Since 1988, the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council has worked diligently on behalf of the LGBT community. Rest assured, we will continue to do so in 2014-- and beyond.
Judge Rand Hoch (retired),
President and Founder
This paid electioneering communication, which is independent of
any party, candidate or committee, is produced, sponsored and paid for
by The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Voters Alliance.
The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Voters Alliance.
Post Office Box 267
West Palm Beach, Florida 33402
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